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Specifically designed for parents entering the children's contact service at Holding Hands but useful to parents going through separation, the #alwayschildfocused podcast has four sections to provide separating parents with information about our Children's Contact Service and the wider family court sector:

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#alwayschildfocused: contact are the podcast's introductory episodes. Perfect for parents enquiring about children's contact visits, episodes - featuring our Service Manager and Senior Contact Workers - discuss what contact visits are as well as what is involved in intake assessments and child familiarisation sessions.  

#alwayschildfocused: ideas provides parents using community based contact visits with ideas on interesting locations and activities. Each episode features one of our contact workers discussing a different location and their favourite activities as well as previous experiences. This is also a great way to get to know your allocated contact worker. 

#alwayschildfocused: questions gets the answers from professionals around the family law and allied health sectors to questions you may have wanted to ask but never have. We think that these innovative episodes help achieve better child focused outcomes through an understanding of the family law journey families take in the process of separation. 

#alwayschildfocused: toolbox provides an opportunity to sharpen up your parenting skills with a variety of concepts and resources that will help you understand your childs needs throughout the separation process. 

Click on any of the topic below or use the search bar to find podcasts that answer your questions.

© 2018 by Holding Hands Family Services

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