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Big Feelings

Big Feelings


I have big feelings. You have them too. How can I help? What can we do?

Follow a group of children through a day in their neighbourhood, as they play together and navigate the BIG feelings that we all experience.

What should we do when things don't go to plan? We may feel angry, frustrated or overwhelmed; we may feel hopeful, tired or even . . . inspired. No matter how we're feeling or how different we are, it's never too late to talk things through and learn to see the world from another point of view.

Warm and inspiring, this uplifting picture book helps children name and acknowledge feelings of all kinds, and learn to put themselves in others' shoes. Because whatever we're feeling, we're never alone.

About the Author

Alexandra Penfold is a literary agent and the author of All Are Welcome, The Littlest Viking, Eat, Sleep, Poop, and Food Truck Fest. When she isn't writing and drinking strong iced coffee, she can be found perfecting her lattice crust. She lives in Brooklyn with her family. Follow her on Twitter @AgentPenfold and Instagram @bklynbrownie.

About the Illustrator

Suzanne Kaufman is an author, illustrator, animator, and lover of school potlucks. Her books include All Are Welcome, Confiscated, I Love Monkey, 100 Bugs, Naughty Claudine Christmas, and Samanthasaurus Rex. When not tramping through the wilds of the Pacific Northwest, you will find her teaching animation or working in her studio. She lives in Seattle with her family. Follow her on Twitter @skaufmanart and Instagram @suzannekaufman.

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