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Our Post Separation Support Service

In an Australian First for a private children's contact service, Holding Hands offers our families access to our Post Separation Support program designed as a part of our #alwayschildfocused approach to children's contact arrangements


Our comprehensive program, conducted over to the Zoom platform,  has been wholly created in-house through continuous collaboration between our contact team and post separation support team. The program offers a series of short, structured sessions to address common challenges experienced by parents going through separation and divorce  and tailored to suit each parent's needs. 

Kids in Daycare
For The Recently Separated Parent

Our team understand the substantial life changes that newly separated parents have to face in those first few weeks and months. It can be a lot to process but it's also important to remember that your child is going through a process too. 

As part of our #alwayschildfocused approach, we offer families entering our service the opportunity to have a pre visit session with one of our Post Separation Support Specialists to ensure that both you and your child make the most of your new circumstances.

Post Separation Support Specialist
Post Separation Support Specialist
Meet our Post Separation Support Team

Julie delivers a strengths-based program to support parents build a positive relationship with their children.  Her sessions are conducted with respect, honesty and an understanding of the complexities unique to each family.

In her previous role as Senior Contact Worker, Sam conducted Intake Assessments as well as being the allocated Contact Worker for several of our past families. This affords Sam a unique view in her role as a Post Separation Support Specialist who now supports our families through their contact journeys.

During Contact

Negotiating challenges is a natural part of parenting. Negotiating parenting challenges after separation can present an even bigger challenge - and we are here to help you through it!

Our post separation support team have developed short 30 minute sessions to cover the most common challenges that face parents after separation. These session are designed to empower parents with their own #alwayschildfocused to parenting after separation. 

Kids in Playground
Kids Gardening
Transitioning to Self-Managed Contact 

We are proud that a majority of our families eventually move on to self managed contact - and when that time comes we want to ensure that parents are prepared for the next step. 

Our session allow parents to provide their child with confidence in their future after the turbulence that comes from separation, divorce and family court proceedings. 

Sessions can be conducted over the Zoom platform and in change-overs to provide stability and trust for both parents and child in those initial weeks after the end of children's contact. This is a part of our start to finish #alwayschildfocused approach. 

Ready to start your journey with us?

Download our information pack including fee schedule or

chat with our Service Manager about your individual needs. 

© 2018 by Holding Hands Family Services

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